In Datarails, data is stored in tables that represent the database within the environment. Each table consists of fields corresponding to the input files that have been mapped into the system. This structure allows for efficient data management and retrieval, ensuring that all data is easily accessible and well-organized.
To manage the tables and fields, and to perform various actions, navigate to the Table section.
Watch this Datarails University video to learn more about managing tables and fields:
Tables section
The Tables section provides a comprehensive view of all existing tables. For each table, you can perform the following actions:
- Choose as Favorite: To mark a table as a favorite, click the star icon. Marking a table as a favorite will ensure it appears first in any table selection list, such as when choosing a table for a new widget or creating a new formula.
- View Table Status: Check the table's status, including the last scanning date.
- Review Connected Fileboxes: Click the number under the "Connected Filebox" column to review the connected Fileboxes.
- Navigate to Table Dataflow: Click the Dataflow icon to navigate to the table's Dataflow.
- Rename the Table: Change the table's name.
- Rescan the Table: Initiate a new scan of the table.
- Add Calculated Value: Add a Calculated value to the table.
- Archive the Table: Archive the table for future reference
- Manage Table Lookups: Create new or edit existing table lookups.
- Share Data Model: Share the data model with other users.
- Delete the Table: Permanently delete the table.
- Reset fields info: Clicking the "Reset Fields Info" button will send an email with detailed information about the fields, such as the number of fields with no data and the number of fields used in Excel.
Examine Fields in Tables
When you click on the relevant table, a new window opens, presenting the list of fields within that table. You can view and edit fields in two places: within the Data Mapper itself and in the Tables section. Explore the Data Mapper. From the Table fields section, you can:
- Search for Specific Fields: Use the search bar to find specific fields.
Filter Fields: Click the filter icon to filter fields according to different categories.
- Add Calculated values and fields.
- Rename table.
- Rescan table.
- Generate fields reports.
- Change Field Types: Click the pencil icon under the Type column to change field types.
- Change Field Values Sorting: To change how field values are sorted, click the pencil icon in the Sorting column. This adjustment will affect the order of field values in reports and dashboards, reflecting your chosen sorting preferences.
Change Field Descriptions: Modify the descriptions of fields.
- Hint Values:Review sample values for this field.
- Delete Fields: Remove fields permanently.
Hide/Unhide Fields: Toggle the visibility of fields. To hide a field, click on the eye icon in the action column. To unhide a field, use the filter icon to show the list of hidden fields. Then, click on the eye icon next to the field you want to unhide.
- Edit Fields: Make any necessary changes to the fields.
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