Excel Add-in Errors & Troubleshooting

Before you is a list of some troubleshooting tips to help you address any errors you may come across. Some errors relate to standard Excel functionality and settings, while others are specific issues related to the dataset and data model.

  • The troubleshooting tips are not in a specific order, so please use the table of contents on the right-hand side of the screen to help you find what you're looking for.
  • And, of course, you can always contact our Support Team.

Note: The window panes shown here may not be located in the same location as on your own machine.

If you are experiencing any login issues, please visit the article "Log in: Troubleshooting" for solutions to common login issues when trying to access the Datarails web or desktop app.


Your Datarails Excel Add-in Version

To better assist our Support Team in helping you and getting you back on track quicker, we may ask you about the Excel Add-in version number you are currently running.

To find out what that is, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Datarails tab of the Excel ribbon
  2. Navigate to Help.
  3. In the dropdown menu that appears, scroll to the Version number.

You can also find the version number from the Datarails app.

  1. Go to the Datarails icon in the notification area (system tray).unnamed__23_.png
  1. Right-click, then Settings.
  2. Look for the version number at the very top of the window that opens. It will start with a small letter, 'v'.

To download our latest add-in version, please log in to your Datarails account, click on your name on the top right, and select 'Download Flex (Excel add-in):

Add-in Error Messages

Error Notification Panel

Error notifications show in a panel to the right of your screen and in the Info group on the Datarails ribbon.
Triangle with blue circle: Indication (#1)
Triangle with red circle: Error (#1)
Green triangle: No error 

By default, the Error panel shows when refreshed. To disable auto popup, click Don’t pop-up errors panel on refresh at the bottom of the panel.


"Duplicated Name"

Named ranges are useful and much used. However, if a DR function and a DR table with different ranges and values have the same name, this can cause an error. This might happen if a DR. GET function has been copied from one table to another.

  1. Double click the error in the Error panel to go to the error and click Resolve. This will delete one of the named ranges automatically.

"Empty Cells / Invalid Cell Reference"

    • You might get an empty cells error if a DR.GET function has a parameter or an argument missing, or an empty cell is referenced, or the cell reference is invalid.
    • There are quite a few scenarios where this type of error might occur. Here’s just one example.
Example: DR.GET(Amount,“[Category]”, “Income”, “[Sub Category]”,). Here the [Sub Category] parameter needs a value, but there isn’t one.
  1. To access the relevant cell, go to the Error Panel.
  2. Double-click the address in the panel. This will take you to the problematic cell.
  3. You should then get an idea of the source of the issue and then correct it.
  4. If you don’t want to receive such notifications, check the box Don’t show empty data error at the bottom of the Error panel.

"Field Does Not Exist"

  • The DR.Get formula includes one or more fields that do not exist in your database.
  • This might be due to a typo in the function or because of changes in the database.
  • For example, DR.GET(Amount, “[Categorie]”, “Revenue”). In this example, the formula was supposed to refer to the field “Category”, but the user typed “categorie” instead.
Example: DR.GET(Amount, “[Categori]”, “Revenue”). In this example, the field name should be ‘Category’, but the user typed ‘Categori’ by mistake.
  1. To access the relevant cell, go to the Error Panel.
  2. Double click the address in the panel. This will take you to the problematic cell.
  3. You should then get an idea of the source of the issue and then correct it.

"Filter Error"

The Excel file has one or more filters that you cannot access.
This is generally because either the filter/s cannot be deleted, or you don’t have access to them.

Example: You have the error message: ‘Filter ID ##### can’t be found or you don’t have permissions for it’.
  1. Try to resolve the issue from the Datarails menu option Filters>Manage Filters.
  2. Or select the error in the Error panel and click Resolve.
  3. If that does not clear the error, contact your Customer Success Manager to get access permissions for those filters.

"Function Syntax Error"

The DR.GET function has a syntax error.

Example: DR.GET(Amount, “[Category]”,”Revenue”). There are 2 commas before “Revenue” when there should be one.
  1. Select the error in the Error panel and click Resolve.

"Missing Function / Table"

A Datarails function or table must be imported into the Excel file.

  1. From the Datarails ribbon, select Data Tables > Manage Tables or Functions > Manage Functions. A screen listing the tables/functions will open.
  2. Click the + icon on the row of the table you want to add to the Excel file.
  3. Alternatively, double-click the error in the Error panel to view the error, then click Resolve. This will add the missing table or function automatically.

"DR.RANGE Dates Conflict"

There is an error because you are using an aggregate function and DR.RANGE function based on the same field.

  1. Click Solve to change the function to DR.GET instead.
  2. The Solve button replaces the aggregate function with DR.GET function.

"Server Error"

There is an internal error.

  1. Select the error in the Error panel and click Resolve.
  2. Refresh the workbook.
  3. If that does not clear the error, contact Customer Support.

Download Limit Reached


You receive a "Download Limit Reached" error.


The download limit is 100 Mb. If you receive this error message, reduce the number of files or download each separately.

Excel Error Message Details

"1904 Date System"

  • Microsoft Excel has 2 system settings for dates, each date representing a number: 1900 and 1904.
  • DataRails requires the 1900 system.
Example: In the 1900 system, 1 = 1 January 1900. In the 1904 system, 1 = 1 January 1904. 
Ensure you are using the 1900 system.
  1. Go to File >Options> Advanced.
  2. Scroll down and uncheck Use 1904 date system.

"Circular Reference"

Circular references are common and can cause a file to crash.

  1. From the Excel ribbon, in the Formulas tab, and from the Formula Auditing group, select Formulas > Error Checking>Circular References.

"Excel Error"

There can be many reasons for this message e.g. incorrect cell references, missing references, typos in parameters and more.

  1. From the Excel ribbon, in the Formulas tab, and from the Formula Auditing group, select Formulas > Error Checking.

"Lotus Compatibility"

Make sure that the Lotus Compatibility checkboxes are not checked.

  1. From the Excel ribbon, go to File > Options>Advanced.
  2. Scroll down to **Lotus Compatibility ** and uncheck everything.

"Protected Workbook"

Protecting a workbook is another standard feature of Excel.

    • It’s best to unprotect the workbook before uploading. You can upload protected workbooks, but you’ll need to remove the protection when working in Datarails.
    • You’ll also need the password set when the workbook was protected.
  1. From the Excel ribbon, go to Review > Protect Workbook.
  2. Enter the password you used to create the protection, then click OK.

Installation Troubleshooting

Excel or another Microsoft Office application is running message doesn't disappear


Excel or another Microsoft Office application is running message appears even though you click Yes or No the message keeps popping. 


Datarails installation requires all Office programs (Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook) to be closed during the installation.

If this error message appears:

  1. You can try to manually close all applications and click ‘Yes’ to continue the installation. In case the programs were not closed (sometimes the process might still be running even if the window is not shown), the message will pop up again.
  2. If you click ‘No’, Datarails will try to close all Office applications. Please note that all unsaved data will be lost.
  3. If you click ‘Cancel’ - the setup will exit immediately

In the following cases, the message will keep popping and the installation will not continue:

  1. If the computer you are installing the software on is a Shared Server/Terminal. In such cases, the Office programs can not be stopped and you need to contact your system administrator.
  2. In some rare cases, you don't have permission to terminate processes. Click ‘Cancel’ and re-run the Datarails installation as an ‘Administrator’

Add-in Not Showing in Excel after Install

You can't see the Datarails Excel Add-in.

Several verifications are needed.

  1. The Datarails application is running.
  2. Your Excel version is compatible with Datarails.
  3. The Add-in files are installed correctly.
  4. The Add-in shows in Excel COM Add-ins.
  5. The Add-in was installed by the same Windows user who is using Excel.

Step 1: Verify that Datarails is running

  1. Verify that the Datarails application is running by locating the Datarails Sync App in the System Tray.

Step 2: Verify your Excel version


  1. Verify that your Excel version is compatible with Datarails . The Excel version must be 2016 or higher. If you have a Microsoft Store version, it is not compatible with Datarails .
  2. To verify your version of Excel, from the Excel menu, click File > Account.
    • If your Excel menu shows Microsoft Store, the version is not compatible with Datarails .
    • You will need to uninstall your current version of Office and install the Desktop version.
  3. Contact your System Administrator for more information.

 Step 3: The Add-in files are installed correctly

  1. In Windows Explorer, open C:\Program Files (x86)\DataRails Sync App\DataRails Addin.
  2. Verify that these files exist:
    • DataRails Addin64-packed.xll DataRails
    • Addin-packed.xll
    • DRCore.dll


Step 4: The Add-in shows in the Excel COM Add-ins

  1. Make sure you are logged into Datarails and that the Add-in is visible.
  2. Verify that you have the Developer tab on the Excel ribbon.
      • If you don’t see the Developer tab, you need to add it to the Excel ribbon. To see how to do this click here.
  3. From the Developer tab, click COM Add-ins.
  4. The Datarails Add-in should have a check mark alongside it.


Step 5: The Add-in was installed by the same Windows user that is using Excel

  1. Go to the System Tray - see step 1.
  2. Right click the Datarails icon and select Settings.
  3. Click Show Advanced Options.
  4. Click the Excel Add-in button.
  5. Re-open Excel after the installation.


Step 6: Install the Datarails Add-in manually

  1. To determine if your Excel is 32 or 64 bit., go to File > Account > About Excel. The version will be listed.
  2. From the Developer tab, click Excel Add-ins.
  3. Click Browse. A dialog box opens.
  4. Go to the Datarails installation directory and select the relevant file.
  5. Then follow the installation instructions.
  6. At the end of the wizard, click Close.
  7. To complete the process, log into Datarails .
Excel Version File
32 bit DataRails Addin-packed.xll
64 bit DataRails Addin64-packed.xll



Unable to Submit Files to Server; Software Not Working as Expected

In some cases, an active Antivirus or Firewall protection might block Datarails and prevent it from uploading files to the server.

** This error message might appear



  1. Verify that an Antivirus or Firewall is not blocking the Excel files being uploaded to the Datarails server.
  2. Ensure that scan and active protections are disabled for the folders and all subfolders listed.
Excel Version Folder
32 bit Windows C:\Program Files\DataRails Sync App
64 bit Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\DataRails Sync App


%APPDATA%\DataRails Sync App
%APPDATA%\DataRails Updater
  1. Verify that Firewall / Networking has access to these ports/protocols.
https://app.datarails.com via 443 port 
https://static.datarails.com via 443 port
notfications.datarails.com via secure websockets protocol
  1. If whitelisting is required, add these IP addresses.
IP Address

Unable to Submit Files

The Excel Add-in uses a local cache directory to store files before submission. This helps prevent simultaneous read/write locks on the main Excel application. If the file cannot be copied to the local cache, try the steps listed.


  1. Verify that this directory exists: %APPDATA%\DataRails Sync App.cache
  2. Note if there are any Excel files in this directory.
  3. Verify if Antivirus software blocks file copy / access to this directory.


Installation Error Message

You get this error message.


  1. NET Framework 4.8 version is required (a restart may be necessary). This should be included in the Windows 10 operating system.
  2. In older versions of Windows, you might get the error message shown.
  3. Download and install from this link.

You might need Administrator privileges to complete the installation.

Security Error after Install

You get this error message.


The error message says that Datarails is not configured as a Trusted Publisher on your machine.

To suppress this message:

  1. Click Trust all from publisher.
  2. Enable the Datarails Excel Add-in.

“File Format and extension of 'DataRails Addin-packed.xll” don’t match."

This message appears when loading data.


The error might be related to upgrading Microsoft Office from 32-bit to 64-bit. Excel tries to load the 32-bit Excel Add-in into a 64-bit Excel.


  1. In the error message shown, click No.
  2. From the Developer tab, select Excel Add-ins and make sure the Datarails items are unchecked.image_69_.png
  3. Click OK and close all instances of Excel.
  4. Restart Excel and load the Excel Add-in manually.
  5. If you get the message “Add-in already exists”, click Yes

To see how to load the Excel Add-in manually click here and go to step 6.

Troubleshooting Tips


The Datarails Ribbon is Disabled or Greyed Out

The Datarails ribbon is greyed out and you can't use any of the features.


  1. From the Datarails ribbon select Help > Clear App Cache
  2. This will close Excel and you will need to log in again.
  3. Open the file and retry.

Unable to Load Reports in Excel

Some reports do not load in Excel.

  • After creating or editing a report, nothing shows in Excel or
  • When I click Refresh, no data loads.


  1. From the Datarails ribbon, click Data > Data Errors. A dialog box opens.
  2. Locate reports that are not properly loaded and/or note other Excel errors.
  3. Click Resolve and see if the errors are removed.
  4. If there are still errors, you need to access the Admin Log files. From the Datarails tab, click Help > Events Log. A dialog box opens.
  5. Select one of the files listed and send to support@datarails.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Log Description
Open Log Opens the Add-in log file in the default *.log associated application.
Zip Log Zips all Datarails logs and opens File Explorer.

Pivot Tables Don’t Refresh

You might have one or more pivot tables that take data from Datarails tables.
However, the pivot tables don’t refresh after clicking Datarails Refresh or after changing a filter.

Example 1: The pivot tables will NOT refresh.


This is because the Pivot Data Source references the range A:H on Sheet 1 instead of the actual Datarails table.

Example 2: The pivot tables WILL refresh

This is because the Pivot Data Source references the actual Datarails table.

For the problem in Example 1, change the reference to the actual Datarails table name.

Excel Won't Show the Opened File

You’ve double clicked an Excel file, but it doesn’t open, or you don’t see it.
This is probably because there is a conflict with one of these Add-ins:

  • Report Designer Addin - 1.2.0
  • Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Addin
  • BI Generator - AlchemexWizard


  1. From the Excel ribbon select File > Options > Add-Ins.
  2. Select the category and click Go.
  3. Remove each Add-in listed above.
  4. Close Excel.
  5. Open Excel. The Excel file should now open.
  6. Go to Add-ins and add back the Add-ins you just removed.

FileBox Stuck On Upload

Occasionally a Filebox doesn’t refresh. Here’s how to fix it.


  1. You must be logged in with Admin rights.
  2. From Workspace, go to Admin>Fileboxes.
  3. In the Search box at the top right, enter the Filebox name and press Enter to find the Filebox.
  4. Highlight the row and click the three dots  icon.
  5. Select Reprocess Versions.
  6. Go back to the Filebox and verify that it has been refreshed.

Window Panes on Screen Not in the Right Place


If you find a window/pane that is not in the right place you can change the display settings.



  • If you are working with dual monitors, the display settings show in the Excel taskbar. This will change the settings for that file. Select 'Optimize for compatibility'.
  • If you want to change the compatibility option for all files, then go to File>Options>General and select the option 'Optimize for compatibility' from there.

Unable to Run the Add-in on my Parallel Virtual Machine

I am using a Mac and I can not run the Excel Add-in on my Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM).
To run the Datarails Add-in onParallel Virtual Machine (PVM), you must run 32-bit Excel. To check your version, open Excel, click Account> About Excel, and your version of Excel will be displayed.


Datarails Addin is disabled by Excel

Microsoft Excel might automatically disable some of the Addins installed on the machine.

When opening Excel, you might get the following error:


In order to manually enable the Datarails addin, please follow the steps:

  1. Open Excel and go to File -> Options:
  2. In the options screen, from the left navigation menu, select ‘Add-Ins’. 
  3. At the bottom of the page, in the ‘Manage’ combo box, select ‘Disabled Items’.
  4. Click on ‘Go.. button


5. The following screen should appear with the list of disabled Addins

   a. If Datarails addin is disabled, select it from the list and click on ‘Enable’ button


More info:


User gets "Web Page Blocked" error when trying to sign-in to Excel Add-in

When a client tries to connect via SSO, Microsoft service redirects the client to a page with a different domain. Because it is unfamiliar to us, we are blocking it.

If the user is familiar with this domain, they can add it to the "Allowed domains" list.


Still Have Questions?

Use the Excel Help feature for more information on standard Excel errors or refer to the Microsoft Office Support.

If problems persist, don’t hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager or our Support Team.

© Datarails Ltd. All rights reserved.


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