Sync Datarails with Sage Intacct

Datarails Integrations solution is a paid plan that lets you consolidate all your data sources and seamlessly connect your external apps to the Datarails web app. For more information contact our integrations team here.

What you need to get started:

  • Admin user for Sage Intacct
  • Admin user for Datarails
  • Usernames and passwords for both accounts
  • Company ID for your Sage Intacct account (this will be emailed to you during setup)

Step 1: Prepare the DataRails Sage Intacct Account

Please first login to your Sage Intacct account.

Create a New User

  1. You will create a new user for the synchronization to DataRails. Go to Company > Admin > Web Services Users and click the + icon.web service users.png
  2. In the new screen that opens, fill in the new user details. You need only to complete the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*).
    • User ID: Datarails
    • Username: Datarails
    • Account email address: Enter your email because you will receive a password for this new user later on.
    • Admin Privileges: Full.
    • Contact name: Add a new contact with the following details:
      • Last name - Datarails
      • First name - Datarails 
        new user details.png
  1. Click Save. In the message that pops up, click OK and a new screen opens.


  1. Enter your own Sage Intacct account password. Click Done.
  2. In the Web Services Users screen you will see a list of users. Use the User ID search box to find the user you just created.
    web service user list.png

Behind the scenes, Sage Intacct will send you an email with the password for the new user. Keep this. You will need it later when you set up the synchronization in DataRails.

Complete the Setup (for those WITHOUT role version)

For those WITH the role version, please skip down to the next section.

  1. A new screen will open, “User application subscriptions” for the user that you created.
    • If this screen does not appear - Go to - Web services users > subscriptions (of the new user).
  1. Choose the reports that you would like to pull and Click on Permissions for each one of them
    (This is an example for General Ledger only. You will need to alter every permissions section to read only to give Datarails proper access.) To share the General Ledger (or any other table), set the permissions on this screen to Read only, then click save. A new screen opens.
    Please note, some permissions have two sections to check off Read Only. Scroll to the bottom of each permissions.
  2. Click Save.

Once you have completed the setup, please skip ahead to the section, Connect Your Web Service Authorization.

Complete the Setup (for those WITH role version)

For those WITHOUT the role version, please review the above section.

You now need to create a role to add to this new user.

  1. From the main navigation bar select Company > Admin > Roles and click the + icon. A new screen opens.
    navigate to roles.png
  1. Enter a name and a description for the new role, then click Save.
  1. Here you will see a list of all the entities (tables) available. 
  1. (This is an example for General Ledger only. You will need to alter every permissions section to read only to give Datarails proper access.) To share the General Ledger (or any other table), set the permissions on this screen to Read only, then click save. A new screen opens.
    Please note, some permissions have two sections to check off Read Only. Scroll to the bottom of each permissions.
  2. Click Save. Next, you'll assign this new role to the new user.

Assign the New Role to the New User

  1. Go back to the new user you created. Select Company > Admin > Web Services Users.
  2. Use the search bar to find the Datarails user you created , select the row, then click Edit.
  3. The user details appear. Click the Roles Information tab at the top of the screen. A new screen opens.
  1. You need to add the Datarails role you just created. Click in the row, select the role from the dropdown, then click Save.
  2. Enter your own Sage Intacct account password like you did before, then click Done.

You now have a new user with read-only permissions to sync the General Ledger (by way of example) to Datarails. The next step is to connect the dataset to Datarails.

Connect Your Web Service Authorization

  1. Go back to the new user you created. Select Company>Setup> tab.png
  2. Click the Security tab.
    security tab.png
  3. At the top right of the screen, click Edit
  4. Scroll down to the Web Services Authorizations section and click Add
  5. Click Add and enter “DataRailsMPP” in the Sender ID and select Active in the Status section. The Sender ID must be “DataRailsMPP”.

Step 2: Create a New Data Source in Datarails

Now that the setup in Sage Intacct is complete, the Datarails-side of the synchronization can begin.

  1. From the left pane in Workspace, select Admin > Data Sources.

  2. From the top right of the screen, click the + icon. The Add Data Source dialog box appears.

  3. Complete the dialog box:

    • Organization: Your company
    • Type: Sage Intacct
    • Sync User: Your company’s sync username
    • Name: Give the integration a name
    • Company ID: Your Sage Intacct Company ID (this is in the email you received earlier)
    • User: Enter the name of the new Sage Intacct user you created. (Datarails)
    • Password: Enter the password that Sage Intacct emailed to you for that new user.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Test. If you see "OK" in the Test Results box, you are ready to continue
    test results.png
  6. Click Close.

Step 3: Create a New FileBox

  1. Navigate to Workspace > Main via the panel on the left.
  2. Click New + on the right and select New FileBox.
  3. In Create a new Filebox, only the following are mandatory:
    • Name - Give the Filebox a name
    • Date Tag - Toggle on and choose month
  4. Click Create & Close to be taken back to your workspace. 

Your filebox has now been created in your Datarails environment

Step 4: Prepare the Data for Synchronization

Choose Your Sync Option - Basic or Advanced

Before you synchronize, decide which of two options you will use to filter out data:

  • Basic: We recommend this option because much of the hard work has been done. We’ve selected the tables most used and made the most common filters available with dropdowns to make it easy to apply them.
  • Advanced: This option has all the fields for you to create more complex filters.

The rest of this article assumes you are using the Basic option.

Determine the Sync Settings

  1. From Workspace, select the FileBox you just created and click the Settings tab.

  2. Scroll down to the Data Connection section.
    data connection basic.png

  3. Complete these fields:

    • FileBox Data Connection Type: Click Edit and select Sage Intacct New.
    • Connection Settings: Select Basic.
    • Object Types - Object to Query: From the dropdown, select one of the 3 tables available (General Ledger Detail, Budget and GL Budget). Here we’ve selected GL Budget.
    • Sync Query: The data should by synced by a defined period set by the date tag. 
  4. Go back to the Data Connection section and filter the data you will sync.

    Basic Filters: To get a description of the different filters for each of the 3 tables General Ledger Details, Budget and GL Budget, see the section Filter Options Before Syncing.

  5. When complete, click Save.

    • If the settings are accepted, you will see the message “Query Saved” at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Next click Sync Now.

    • If the settings are accepted, in the top right of the screen you will see the message “Command Sync Now sent successfully”.
    • If you get an error message when you click Save or Test, this is probably because Sage Intacct determines that you don’t have access permissions for some fields. To correct this, go to Fields, check Select All then deselect the field/s for which you don’t have permissions. Correct, then try again.
  7. When all the settings are accepted, you’re ready to move to Step 5: Review and Verify the Synchronization.

Filter Options Before Syncing

Each table has different filter options.

  • If you are syncing the General Ledger Detail table, continue here.
  • To see what filters are available for the other tables click Budget or GL Budget.

General Ledger Detail Filters


If you use the Basic option, these are the filters for the General Ledger Details table.

Fields We recommend that you import all fields.
If you get an error message when you click Save or Test this is probably because Sage Intacct determines that you don’t have access permissions for some fields. To correct this, go to Fields, check Select All then deselect the field/s for which you don’t have permissions.
Sort By Default is Record Number.
Batch Posting Date Defaults are: Start of Month and End of Month. Click the dropdown for other options.

To complete the synchronization, return to the section, Determine the Sync Settings.

Budget Filters


If you use the Basic option, these are the filters for the Budget table.

Fields We recommend that you import all fields. If you get an error message when you click Save or Test, this is probably because Sage Intacct determines that you don’t have access permissions for some fields. To correct this, go to Fields, check Select All then deselect the field/s for which you don’t have permissions.
Sort By Default is Record Number.
From / To When Created Defaults are: Start of Month and End of Month. Click the dropdown for other options.

To complete the synchronization, go back to Determine the Sync Settings - step 5.

GL Budget Filters


If you use the Basic option, these are the filters for the GL Budget table.

Fields We recommend that you import all fields. If you get an error message when you click Save or Test, this is because probably because Sage Intacct determines that you don’t have access permissions for some fields. To correct this, go to Fields, check Select All then deselect the field/s for which you don’t have permissions.
Sort By Default is Record Number.
From / To Start Date Defaults are: Start of Month and End of Month. Click the dropdown for other options.

To complete the synchronization, go back to Determine the Sync Settings.

Step 5: Review and Verify the Synchronization

  1. From the Review tab, you can see the file that was imported.
  2. To verify that the data is correct, click the 3 dots ​⋮ icon and select Preview Version.
  3. Verify that the data is as expected. Here’s an example.
    If you wish to synchronize more than one month, read on!

Sync Additional Periods (Same Table)

In order to sync additional periods on the same table, start again with Step 3 and continue through to Step 5 for each additional period.

Sync Sage Intacct Reports

While Sage Intacct has some limitations on the reports that can be exported and synchronized. Currently, only core Sage Intacct reports can be synchronized

For more information about limitations regarding Sage Intacct exports, click here to read the full article. The extract below refers to limitations regarding exports and groupings (the underline has been added to highlight the relevant text).

To do this, you’ll need the specific Report Title and the report Entity ID.

  1. In Sage Intacct, go to Company>Admin and select Company Reports.
  2. From the next screen copy the report title and save it for use later on.
  3. To get the Entity ID, go to Sage Intacct, click Home and then select the Entity ID from the dropdown.
  4. Go back to DataRails FileBox>Settings and enter these details:
    • Object to query: Custom Reports
    • Locationid: The report’s Entity ID
    • Report : The report’s Report Title
  5. When complete, click Save.
    • If the settings are accepted, you will see the message “Query Saved” at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Next click Sync Now.
    • If the settings are accepted, in the top right of the screen you will see the message “Command Sync Now sent successfully”.
  7. As before, you can preview the data. Repeat Step 5: Review and Verify the Synchronization.

© Datarails Ltd. All rights reserved.


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