My Reports Overview

The "Report Space" in Datarails is a dedicated section for compiling, organizing, and sharing specific reports with tailored access, ensuring relevant data is presented to the appropriate users or teams.

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Reports Spaces is a place where you can see / download reports. The report space is available from the Reports tab in the Workspace header.


Here Admins can do the following:

  1. Create multiple report spaces (groups of reports) under the report section, share reports with other users, and decide whether the reports should be shared and downloaded as values or with DR.get functions.
  2. Send scheduled emails to groups of users with links to the report section

Reports Space Settings

For Admins.


  1. Select the option you want.
  2. Use the tooltips for more information.

Filter Reports

For Admins, Contributors and Viewers.


You can filter the reports available to you by:
* Period
* Report Name

Drill Down to Fileboxes

  1. From inside the Reports Tab, navigate to the relevant report

  2. Hover over the 3 dots ellipsis icon and choose, Go to Filebox from the dropdown options.

Reports are listed by period. Those without a date are in the folder Other Reports.


Download Reports

For Admins, Contributors and Viewers.

Download single, multiple or all (a bulk download).
* Single
* Multiple
* Bulk

Manage Reports

Admins can:
* Create report spaces (one or multiple)
* Add Fileboxes to one or many spaces (many to many relationship)
* Add reports
* Schedule and share reports
* Rename
* Delete

Add Reports


For Admins.
1. Click Reports.
2. Add a Reports Space or Add Reports. Use the interface to navigate to the relevant Fileboxes.
3. Click Add to save your selection.
4. Configure the email to send to people with whom you want to share the space / reports.

Users with Viewer access to a report will also be able to view the underlying source data. 

Share Reports

You can share reports with others even if they don’t have access to Datarails.

  1. First, go to the Filebox and activate the Show in Dashboard toggle.
  2. Go to the dashboard and click the Reports button. A list of available reports shows, sorted by Filebox.
  3. Click the Report Name and the report will show at the bottom of the pane.
  4. Click to download and share.

Switch Reports Space

From the Reports Space header, click arrow next to the name of the Reports Space and select a different one.

Rename / Delete a Report


For Admins.
1. In the Report Space, click the Edit icon.
2. Click Rename or Delete.
3. Save the action.

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