2.5.1 Accessing the Practice Environment

We have created a separate practice environment for you to use without affecting your existing Datarails environment.  This allows you to make changes and try out new things without worrying about affecting your current setup.

How to access the practice environment from your web browser:

1. Log into your Datarails environment with your web browser.

2. Click on your name in the top-right corner. A drop-down menu will appear. From this menu, click the 'Switch User' option.



3. A pop-up will open up on your screen. You'll see the environments you have access to, including one called "practice-environment-YOUR-NAME".

Important: If you don't see this practice environment, please register here and allow 1-2 business days, since we need to create the environment for you.

Click on the door icon 2022-12-14_09h55_52.pngon the right hand side of the screen to log into your practice environment, as shown in the screenshot below (red circle). 



4. Now that you have entered the practice environment, any changes you make here won't impact your existing Datarails setup.

Next, you need to log into the same environment with your Excel add-in.

5. Click on the up-arrow  2022-12-16_09h55_52.png, on the right hand side of your Windows taskbar. You should see the Datarails logo in the box.

6. Right-click on the Datarails logo, and click the  "Logout" option from the menu.

7. Right-click on the Datarails logo again and in the menu click "Login As". A login screen will appear asking you to choose an environment.

8. Choose the certificate course environment by clicking on the door symbol 2022-12-14_09h55_52.png

Note: If all numbers in the Excel report are zeros, then double-check you are logged into the right environment by hovering over the Datarails icon in your task bar.


Video: logging in with the Excel Add-in


9. To access the exercise files, go to Settings and click on the folder 'Practice Files' (if Settings isn't visible, click on Home)



10. Download the Excel file "P&L - Practice Report" by hovering over it and clicking "Download Latest". 





11. Open the Excel file and check if you see the New Version buttonimage__3_.png next to the Refresh button. If you see it, it means a new version of the Excel add-in software is available. Click the button to download and install the new version. The exercises only work with the latest version of Datarails.


12. Re-open the file and click on Refresh to populate the report with data from Datarails. 

Now, you can use the "P&L - Practice Report" file for the "Try it now" practice sections and the exercises from the course.

Note: If cells show "missing" instead of data, click the Refresh button 2023-01-11_14h53_56.png.


Previous: Exercises Overview

Next: Exercise #1

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