Requesting Log Files - How to generate logs?
If you encounter issues or server errors, send Log Files to so they can diagnose and fix the issue.
Log files are used to help solve some issues you may run into while using Datarails. They are the real activity logs of any and all actions you have performed including any clicks while using Datarails. Our developers will review the logs to determine if there is a server error or a formula that was implemented incorrectly and they will be able to either fix a bug or direct you to what needs to be changed to ensure resolution.
You can access log files in different ways:
- From the Datarails Excel Add-in
- From the Datarails App
Generate logs from the Excel Add-in ribbon
- Open Excel.
- From the Datarails ribbon at the top, go to Help, then Zip Logs.
- A folder will appear,sort the Date Modified column by Latest.
- Send the Most Recentzipped log to our support team.
Generate logs from your taskbar
- Click the Datarailsicon in the icon tray.
- Click Generate Logs.
- A folder will appear, sort the Date Modified column by Latest.
- Send the Most Recent zipped log to our support team.
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