Filebox Details Page

In Datarails, Data is stored in Fileboxes. A Filebox acts as a centralized container where multiple file versions with the same structure can be stored and differentiated by tag. Learn more about Fileboxes.

Each Filebox page contains 5 tabs: Versions, Collaboration, Analysis, Settings, and Alerts.

Only Filebox owners have access to all Filebox tabs. 

Versions tab

The Filebox Versions tab is a section within the Filebox where you can manage and view the Filebox versions. It provides an overview of all versions, organized by tagging for easy navigation and filtering. From the Versions tab, you can perform various actions such as uploading new versions, archiving and unarchiving versions, locking tags to prevent modifications, accessing data mapper, and more.

Learn more about Filebox versions & tags.

Filebox Toolbar

  • versions Filter: Opens a dialog box with various filtering options, including submission date, user, Date tag, and archived versions.
  • List View (Appears only if Filebox has a Date tag): Switches the view from the Date tag view to a list view format.
  • Sync now with integration (exclusive to Integration Filebox): This initiates the syncing of a new Filebox version from the integration source.
  • Calculate: Generates a new Filebox version under the chosen Date tag through calculation. 
  • Upload Files - Uploads new Filebox version(s). 

Filebox version Actions 

Accessible from the three dots ellipsis icon next to Filebox version.

  • Info: Opens version info box including the File name, Uploaded by, Uploaded time, Last modified by and version ID. 
  • Archive: Archive the Filebox version. Learn more about Archiving Filebox versions
  • Calculate: Generates a new Filebox version under the same Date tag through calculation. 
  • Download version: Downloads the Filebox version in Excel.
  • Rescan: Rescans the Filebox version. can be used in cases of Filebox version 'Failed' Error.
  • Exclude from Database/Include in Database (appears only if Filebox have a Data Mapper applied): Exclude version's data from Database or Include version's data in Database. identification of status appears under Filebox version's 'Data Status'. 
  • Name this version: Apply a version Name (doesn't change the File name).
  • Data Mapper: Opens the Filebox Data Mapper, previewing the specific Filebox version.
  • Preview version: Opens a web preview of the Filebox version. 

See all Filebox versions

In the Version tab, only the last three versions are displayed for each Filebox, or for each time dimension if a Date tag exists, by default.

You can change the view to display all Filebox versions by clicking on 'Last 3 versions'. 

Create a new Filebox version

You can create a new Filebox version through the Workspace or the Excel add-in. versions can be uploaded manually, using Auto Calculate or synced via Integration.

Upload a new version via the Workspace

  1. Navigate to the Workspace and select the relevant Filebox.
  2. Click on the three dots ellipsis icon and select 'Upload', or click the 'Upload' button that appears when hovering over the Filebox. 
  3. Drag and drop your file or browse to select the file. To upload multiple files, select 'Upload Multiple Files'.
  4. If a Filebox tag exists, assign a version tag. 
  5. Click 'Upload'.
  6. The file will be uploaded to the chosen tag.

Upload a new version via the Filebox

  1. Navigate to the Filebox.
  2. Click the 'Upload files' icon.
  3. Drag and drop your file or browse to select the file. To upload multiple files, select 'Upload Multiple Files'.
  4. If a Filebox tag exists, assign a version tag. 
  5. Click 'Upload'.
  6. The file will be uploaded to the chosen tag.

Sync a new version

Read more about Syncing new version(s) manually or by schedule in Integration Filebox. 

Auto Calculate a new version

In certain instances, a Filebox version may include Datarails formulas or tables that dynamically update with changes in the source data. You can use the Auto Calculate feature to automatically update Datarails whenever a spreadsheet value changes. Read more about Auto calculate.

Create a new version via the Excel add-in

The file must be saved on the PC before creating a new Filebox from the Excel add-in.

  1. Open the relevant file. 
  2. Navigate to Datarails add-in in the toolbar and select 'Connect'.
  3. The 'Save As' window will open if the file is unsaved. Choose a location and click 'Save'.
  4. In the 'Connect as Filebox' window, select the relevant Filebox.
  5. If a Filebox tag exists, assign a version tag. 
  6. Click 'Connect to Existing'.
  7. The file will be uploaded to the chosen tag.

Version Statuses 

  • Uploading: File is currently being uploaded to the Filebox.

  • Uploaded: File was successfully submitted to the Filebox.

  • Scanning: Post submission, Datarails is currently extracting data from the File. Status appears if Filebox has a Data Mapper applied.

  • Pending: File Scanning is done, the extracted data is awaiting additional modifications before it can be added to the Table. Status appears if Filebox have a Data Mapper applied.

  • Included in DB: Data from your file has been successfully extracted and stored within your database.

  • Partial Success:  Data from your file has been partially extracted and stored within your database. Status can appear if few Data Mappers are applied on Filebox. Click on 'Partial Success' icon to review the Data Mappers statuses. 

Version Errors

  • Submissions Error: 

    • Problem: The system was unable to upload your file successfully. 

    • Solution: Try to re-upload your file. Note that the platform accommodates files up to 100 MB. If issues persist, reach the Support team. 

  • Mapping Failed:

    • Problem: The system couldn't extract data from your file due to changes in file structure.

    • Solution: Click the 'Mapping Failed' icon for a detailed Mapper Failure report to see detailed Error Summary. Ensure no unexpected changes occurred in the file structure. If you're uncertain about the next steps, reach the Support team. 

  • Failed: 

    • Problem: The platform was unable to extract data successfully from your file.

    • Solution: Rescan the Filebox version via the three dots ellipsis icon. If issues persist, reach the Support team. 

Collaboration Tab

The Collaboration tab is a section within the Filebox where you can manage the Team Members & Groups Filebox permissions. Additionally, it allows you to monitor and track activities and actions within the Filebox, such as submissions and Integration syncs.

Only Filebox owners can manage Members & Groups

Team Section

Within the Team Section, you are able to:

  • Invite new Members & Groups to the Filebox by clicking on the blue plus icon
  • Adjust Members & Groups permissions to the Filebox by clicking on the pencil icon next to the User's name
  • Restrict Members & Groups access to the Filebox by clicking on the trash icon next to the User's name

Feed Section

In the Feed Section, you can monitor changes in Filebox activities and actions, such as manual uploads by submitting users and syncing actions in Integration Filebox.

Analysis Tab

The Analysis tab is a section within the Filebox where you can view a comprehensive array of metrics, including versions submitted per user, submissions per period, details on Filebox Members & Groups, Filebox Overview, and versions details.

Only Filebox owners have access to Analysis Tab.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab is a section within the Filebox where you can manage the Filebox settings. Within the Settings tab, you are able to:

  • Enable the Auto Calculate feature for the Filebox 
  • Customize Filebox tags, including Scenario, Date tag, File Status, and Budget Cycle (if applicable)
  • Establish connections with Query, Email, or API Integrations
  • Schedule Integration Sync intervals or trigger manual syncs as required

Only Filebox owners have access to Settings Tab.

Encrypted Filebox 

You can set a password to encrypt your Filebox through the settings tab, if needed.

If your Filebox is encrypted with a password, you can only upload files that are encrypted with the same password. Attempting to upload a non-encrypted file will result in a 'Failed to submit file - You cannot submit a non-protected file to this Filebox' message.

Also, If you upload a password-encrypted file to a non-encrypted Filebox, the file will be greyed out and display a 'Submission Error' status. 

To unlock an encrypted file, click on the three dots ellipsis icon and select "Set version password". Enter the file password in the provided field. If you want to apply the password to all versions of the file, tick the 'Apply to all versions requiring a password' box.

You can set or change the Filebox password before or after uploading a file. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the settings tab of your Filebox.
  2. Scroll down to the 'Filebox Password' section.
  3. Enter your desired password in the box and click 'Set Password'. 
  4. Your Filebox will now be encrypted, and only password-protected files can be uploaded.

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